Monday, March 5, 2012

Oddities of Human Kind

Though they are common, and society brings out the best and shames the worst of them, Oddities exist in everyone. Just as you tell a child they cant have something. They want it even more. Isnt that how life is? The desire to have something, someone.. and as soon as you cant have it, the craving kicks in like a mother fucker? I am certainly experiencing that right now. On several fronts. Who is to blame tho, I suppose. I know for one, I just need to grab hold the horns of life, and direct this beast to my pen of contemplation, tame it and release it back into the wild. Which we call Life, I think.

I cant remember the last time I smiled like I used to, In those pictures that I looked at.. It was a long time ago. No, Not a soul has come close to making me feel that happy. Does that mean I havent been happy - bright eyed and bushy tailed a few times a month? No. I have been. But does it compare. No. It does not. Then again, what compares to a birthday card that brings a tear to the eye? You get it once a year, and then again, it has to be a good damn card. Something about a Fathers admiration at your accomplisments in life, really help turn things around Id bet. Im at one of those points where something of that nature could help. Does it mean thats what I desire, No, not truly. Its more of the feeling behind it.

Of all the things that are happening in life right now, There are many things to be thankful for. For instance, Im alive. Employed. Housed and fed. I feel Im taking a serious shaft up the ol' keister right now. But hey, Can I hack it? Well, Of course. Though Rion needs some support now and again, even without it, He will carry on. Its the 'Nullstone' inside me that really helps. A black hole for the negativity to be sucked down and obliterated. Sometimes, the negativity bulks up, I get nuked down and beat up by bursts.. No time for that black hole to empty and take it all in. So, just as the winds wear down a mountain over the course of a millennia, I too wither a bit. Unlike a mountain, I grow back. Actually.. Its not unlike a mountain, Tectonic plates make mountains grow. So what are my tectonic plates? Sometimes it seems its something unnatural. It takes a moment.. A drink.. A drug.. Something to make me realize that things arent so bad. And perhaps Ill grow my skin a bit thicker in areas, scales here or there... Strap a shield on my arm, a sallet on my head and learn to wield a sword. All metaphorical of course, as I think walking around like that may attract some unwanted attention. But, its Portland isnt it. Sometimes I feel its neccesary to gear up.

I havent ever saved a princess. Did you know that? Isnt that what men are supposed to do? Grow up, Grow strong and rescue some fair maiden from a tower? I thought that growing up. Turns out, the maiden just wants out, the dragon a ploy.. and all in all you'll be robbed of your castle and steed when you divorce. Perhaps its a good thing then. But I do have hope, I see some couples so devoted its annoying. My devotion runs deeper I think. How many girls laughed at that? Take your anger, your thirst for making me hurt and think about it. I am really.. Not that bad of a guy. Its questionable, sure. My morals and train of thought is very often questioned. Or at least, taken with a grain of salt. . . An aspirin, shot of jack and a vodka back.. but still. You dont jump out of a plane on a whim. Some do.. But if you cant handle my plane, my altitude and my sense of tom foolery.. Do you really even want to know me in the first place?

I am a complex person, to say the least. Then again, Arent we all? Men are to women, and women are to men. Two of the same creations, by the same person. Allegedly anyways. The oddity about me, is even in company.. amidst drinks and what have you.. My mind whirls and dissects things, contemplates and damn near drives me mad. Truth is, I cant sit and talk to someone without thinking more about who they are.. than what they are saying. If Ive ever been talking and forgotten my train of thought, Chances are Ive gotten lost in the idea that you actually care what Im even saying, and if its even worth saying anymore. The contemplation is deep and brooding however. So, at 5 am in the morning ,at a Denny's, I realized a few new things. Anything new about myself? Well, Sure. Life is a lesson. A long one. Who is the lesson for? Ourselves? Well, we die in the end, So whats the point? Future generations? Is life a big game, or trial for mankind to some bigger power? Would a religios person say yes.. if so, Why would god test man, for what purpose. Wouldnt that make him the kid with the magnifying glass above the ant hill? Questions that will never be answered. And to the religious person, You are wrong. Whatever you opinion on past questions.. is wrong. And here is why.

What? You expected an answer? Now you know how the non religious feel. Trust me, I wrote the answer above this paragraph, Just believe its there and youll see it. Oh? Now you are mad? Upset? Dissapointed in my lack of belief. No, Run off.. pray. Let your sub concious roam, as mine does. Let your thoughts wander, your mind drift. Open your mind, away from the straight and narrow, away from the dichotimous thinking that you are driven to do most of the time. Youll get your answer. Now the tricky part, youve answered your own thought havent you. So, Who is god then? I am my own God. I choose when I choose to really live, and I will choose when I die. And its not for a long time. Unfortunately, the one thing I seem to be having a hard time with .. Is when you be happy. It just so happens, that part of my life isnt run by me..  Its run by that damned princess and her Dragon. That Damned Dragon..  Oh how to slay it..


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