What happens when people break their own great walls down, and let someone into their heartland? What is it that brings that once warm, loving local to arms? It seems that the answer is not one, but many. Of course, Why the Fuck would the world be simple.
I didn't quite understand a lot of things, until I experienced them. I understood why the emo cries, and tries to fit in to an impossible click at school. Was that through a direct experience? No. But you watch a magician enough, you might just understand a trick or two. Might get close enough to see that wire, cleverly stuck where.. behind his ear? Yeah, that's right. The floating card trick is a sham. But that's what happens when you get close to such things. You realize the falsifications and ill-truths. So why does the emo cry at night? Cry, I meant cut. Sorry. What is with that anyways, Let me guess.. I wouldn't understand? Of course not, I don't understand stupidity. Its something I refuse to experience. Well, that's a falsification in its own. I was untrained in the arts of many things. Until I learned. Anything can be learned.. Anything. So wear your skinny jeans with pride, and don't expect us to understand you. We wont try, because its who you are. Now quit your fuckin bitching about it. The real reason your all pissed off is your nuts cant breath and your takin heat because you stole your sisters jeans. The tight jean has been taken by a much classier version of folk. They are called Wranglers and cowboys do it better. Besides, on any given day id bet on the cowboy to kick my ass than your asphyxiated dick-head self. Unless your Tyler Cushman anyways. Cowboy Fail.
So if your not an emo, and you are someone we can possibly understand on regular terms.. What in life makes you be less than logical and turn what seems prudent into psychosauce? Yeah.. psychosauce. My word. Trounced! Is it a broken heart? Is it drug related.. Another love perhaps? Whatever it may be, I don't understand it. There are things in life that are a given to pause and inhale all that is in the moment. The smell, the imagery and emotional vibes. For instance, Children. The birth of a child is something I soon wont forget. I may have not been there for the first, but I was for the second. I can tell you exactly what was going on at both times when it happened. The next day, the moment is gone. The new-ness in the brain is still ecstatic. Life goes on, as normal. Normal? You question it? So its not normal the day after? Why? Were you ill prepared? Did you not expect a baby to be there the next day? Were you not preparing for 9 months? stupid Stupid STUPID if you weren't. Life goes on. But now what..
Expectations arise every day. When I went into Wendy's and ordered my sandwich meal, I expected tomato on it. With the exception, they had two very visible signs that cautioned their supply was limited due to an heavy icing around their tomato crops. No biggie, I no longer expected it. I don't like them anyways. . To my surprise.. there was tomato on it. I should have prepared, though I did not. So I suffer. However, the solution to that particular problem was easy. I removed the tomato, myself. With my bare hands. Then, I deftly reached for the napkin, but OW! I rolled a 1 on my D20 and nearly knocked over my soda! (Dungeons and Dragons reference = Win) Handling problems is what people need to do. Handle their own problems.
If you don't have enough money to do something, why pretend that you do. Why make it someone else fault. One mother yells at the ex husband, "I have no job, I have no car, I have no money, I cant afford to live on my own. . Pay me child support even though I don't have sole custody." Explain something to me dearest mother of the world. Why, if you are not able to, do you have a child? Oh, That's right. Your man didn't wear a condom. Well then, lets make that his fault, I suppose he should pay you child support. Only the funny thing is, where was your protection? Birth control, the morning after? The Fucking Common Sense to realize what would happen. No one ever regrets having children, Well.. that's also a lie. Some people do. I know that me and my present company do not regret having children at all. They are pride and joy and never to be regretted.
Perhaps that's what makes some people rage, Money. Cash. Green Backs, Facebook coins, Gold, Silver, Copper, Platinum, Dough, Bread.. The root of all evil perhaps. If you have no money, how do you go about getting it. Some work, some deal and some steal. Some people eternally borrow. However you got to get it I suppose. Something that has always irked Trounce though.. Don't ask for money when you have no desire to earn it yourself. I would loan money to almost any of my friends, unless you are unwilling to earn it. That's why its so much easier to loan a stranger bus fare. I don't care if I get it back, I don't know if you would really take the time to earn it. I don't wanna know. Because if I did find out you are nothing but a freeloading son of a bitch.. I would lie to your face, tell you I too am broke. Sorry pal. And even that isn't a whole truth, I am marginally broke right now.
I suppose if their were a moral to this particular rant, It might be to be careful what you wish for. Because if you do get it, are you ready to take it all on. Fear of success leads one to fear failing what they have just achieved. And that to me looks a whole lot less intelligent than trying and failing legitimately. Id much rather fail, than boast, achieve and fail. Too much drama for me.
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